Asset Tagging
Asset tagging is a way to link an entity(user, crowd, organization) to an asset record. Tags can be set in Form Designer to limit the asset list to the entity that is tagged.
To set a tag, navigate to Admin > Assets > Select one of the asset types. There is a tag icon in the action column for each asset record in the list. Select the tag, and a new window appears for assigning the entity to a record.
Select the entity type(user, crowd, organization), then select/multiselect the appropriate entities. In the future, some tagging will have context as defined in Intacct. Currently, the only valid context is 'default'. Select all appropriate data, then select the 'Add Asset Tag' button. The tag will be displayed in a list below the selection.
Tags can be managed from a few areas in Omnidek:
- by Asset as described above
- by Organization under Advanced Access
- by User to the right or the user record
- by Crowd in the actions column to the right or the crowd record
Tagging can be utilized on forms to limit dropdowns to the records that are tagged.
- select the funnel icon to expand the properties.
- select a context. (As previously stated, 'default' is currently the only context.)
- The checkbox labeled 'Autofill answer to tag?' manages whether a tag is autofilled in the answer type to the assigned tag. **If there are more than one applicable tabs, the system will autofill one at random.
My Credit Card Insight for Intacct Credit Card Submissions
My Credit Card is a new, system-generated Insight that collects and displays all submission for your user. The insight has the same grid functionality as a normal Insight, only with fixed columns and is defaulted to group by card. The My Credit Cards Insight will be under a new grouping in Insights called My Insights. The header of the My Insight has standard totaling and analytics for each of the cards your user is assigned, or 'tagged'.
New Features
9663 | Entity type and condition type will display in parenthesis in Workflow Builder for clarity and context.
9664 | New button added to 'Submissions in Progress' window that allows coordinators to deactivate/activate a form from use while make workflow changes. The button works the same as the 'is active' flag on a form in Form Designer. Users will no longer see the form as an option in Form Hub when the form is deactivated.
9774 |Create Templates on forms with Intacct Cluster. Previously, templates would not save the date entered on Intacct clusters. Now, users can save Intacct cluster data to a template for ease of work in the system.
9781 | Disabled the new submission(plus icon) once a submission has been created from Intacct Insight. This will disallow duplicate submissions to be created on the same Intacct record. The plus icon will disappear in realtime once a submission has been created form the Insight. However, a refresh of the data in the Insight is necessary to load the icons to link to the submission or view the PDF.Bugs Fixes
9742 | Corrected an issue where some calculations were not being done correctly with default values in tab containers.
9593 | Corrected issue where boolean fields could not be cleared correctly on asset create and asset edit answer types.
9690 | Corrected issue where warning modal was obstructing system logout and causing an error.
9695 | Corrected issue for workflows with over 100 characters was throwing toast error. Now, they system will trim the name to 100 characters.
9700 | Corrected issue where Inbox behavior was redirecting to the form canvas or another inbox item.
9763 | Corrected issue where the search filter was holding on to criteria but clearing typed search form the search box.
8101 | Corrected issue where inbox records were not correctly refreshing when navigating back into Inbox.