New Complex Filtering Options for Assets
Users can now create more complex filters within Assets. Users can create a filter from scratch or by utilizing the filter row below the column headers in the grid.
To create a filter from scratch, select the Create Filter button located at the bottom of the Assets grid to launch the Filter Builder.
Users can use the filter row below the column headers and the builder will automatically pick up the filters set in the grid and populate the filter link. For example, if a user is filtering for cost codes starting with “02-” in the filter row, the new filtering will use the criteria entered to auto populate the Filter Builder.
Select the filter link at the bottom to launch the Filter Builder. The Filter Builder has various filters and criteria that can be used to manipulate the view of data within the Asset. To add to the filter, select the “+” icon, then select a Condition or Group. The Asset columns are available for selection in the Filter Builder highlighted in blue, while the operation for filtering is highlighted in green. The value to filter will be highlighted in gray.
Users can build a complex filter to search by multiple criteria in one column or across Asset columns. For example, a user can filter by cost codes containing “02-”and containing “03-”.