New and Noteworthy List
- New Complex Filtering Options
- Revamp of “To Do”, “In Progress”, & “All Items” Tabs
New Features
- A confirmation popup has been added to the action of deleting an asset type. This will prevent users from accidentally deleting an asset type.
- When creating and naming a new Asset Type a notification has been added to indicate that the Name must start with an either a number or a letter. The following message will appear if trying to begin the name with a special character: Alphanumeric characters are only allowed as the leading character.
- The option to create more complex filters within Assets has been added, this can be achieved via the new "Create Filter" button located at the bottom of the Assets grid. Filters are automatically built out as filters are added within the preexisting filter row of the Asset grid. In addition this provides a quick way to clear all filters applied with one click.
- Previously when viewing a form if a new chat message were added there was no visible indication of this. This has been updated to automatically scroll the chat area of the form so that the new chat message is visible on the screen.
- The sort order of Forms and Form Categories have been updated on the Dashboard and on the My Forms tab of Form Hub. Forms are now all sorted alphabetically within the "Favorites", "Not Categorized", and within their categories. Form Categories are also sorted alphabetically with the exception of "Favorites" remaining at the top and "Not Categorized" remaining at the bottom.
Form Designer
- When in Form Designer and saving edits within an answer type's "Setup Security" a "Success" confirmation has been added to notify the user that their save has been completed.
- In Form Designer when setting properties on the System Master Detail Cluster the settings pop ups will now collapse automatically when clicking anywhere else on the Form Designer screen. One limitation to this is that if directly opening multiple settings pop ups they will all remain open until clicking anywhere else on the Form Designer screen.
Form Hub
- Previously when opening a form from the Form Hub tabs of Saved, Submitted, or Templates the page showed the words "Form Submission" on the top left of the page. This has been updated to show either the actual form name when on the Saved or Submitted tab and the template name when on the Template tab.
- Previously when on a mobile device there was no option to search for forms on the Drafts, Saved, Submitted, or Templates tabs. The ability to search for forms on all tabs of Form Hub has been added for all tabs on a mobile device.
- The Inbox has been restructured to include the following tabs: “To Do”, “In Progress”, & “All Items”. The logic associated with what each tab will contain is as follows:
- To Do - tab containing items the user is required to take action on before the form can progress to the next step.
- Any form that is routed to the user for approval via a Workflow.
- Any forms the user has been invited into manually.
- Any task that has been generated for the user via a custom service.
- In Progress - tab containing all items the user has been involved in but it not yet 100% completed, the purpose is to declutter the To Do tab and allow the user to see a distinction between items they are potentially monitoring and items that require them to perform an action.
- Any form that the user has submitted.
- Any form that the user has Approved or Rejected and does not currently require their immediate attention.
- All Items - tab remains the same and contains all forms the user has been involved with including the items from the "To Do" and "In Progress" tabs.
- Previously Insights did not have the ability to be exported to Excel on a mobile device. This functionality has now been added, users should now see a new button containing the Excel logo.
- Previously Insights did not have global grid search capabilities on a mobile device. This functionality has now been added, users should now see a search box in the top right corner above the grid.
- Dashboard users now have the ability to remove shared Insights from their Insights list. This provides users with more flexibility to choose what Insights they are able to see.
- The ability to choose the columns visible in an Insight grid via a new "Column Chooser" button, located near the "Export to Excel" button has been added. This allows the user to hide the Actions column that could not previously be hidden from an Insight.
- A Form's Last Updated Date and Created Date have been added as column options within Insights. This provides a way to track not only who created the form or who the last user to update a Form was but also when the form was created and when the update took place.
- When creating or editing Portals a "Success" confirmation has been added to notify the user that their save has been completed.
- Previously when opening a form from the a Portal the page showed the words "Form Submission" on the top left of the page. This has been updated to show the actual form name.
- Previously when logging into a Portal nothing was not highlighted to indicate what section of the application the user was in. The Home section is now highlighted indicating that the user is in this section of the application.
- Users now have the ability to search the forms list when adding a new form to a Portal Group. This list of forms was not previously searchable.
- When navigating to the Settings page of the application the first tab on this page is now the "Theme" tab. This will provide ease of use for the user, as this is more commonly used.
System Master Detail Cluster
- Additional Date fields have been added to the System Master Detail Cluster tabs providing users with more flexibility in how the cluster can be utilized. There are now 6 Date fields that can be configured to show dates, times, or date times.
- The number of Repeating Assets available within the System Master Detail Cluster tabs have been increased providing users with more flexibility in how the cluster can be utilized. There are now 12 Repeating Asset fields available.
- The ability to add a Default Filter on fields within a System Master Detail Cluster from Form Designer has been added. This provides users with the additional functionality currently available on other Form Answer Types previously unavailable within this cluster.
- Previously when a new user was invited into the system they only got one opportunity to set a default signature during the user setup process, if wanting to update their signature the user would have to do this from their profile after completing this process. The ability to click on "Set Default Signature" multiple times during the setup process has been added.
- Previously there was no way for a Portal User to update their profile while using a mobile device. A profile button has been added to the mobile portal view between the help and log out buttons to provide this functionality.
- Previously there was no limit to the length of a user's password. A limit has now been set of 50 characters.
- Search capabilities within the Users section of the application have been expanded to allow searching with spaces in the values.
- The loading of the Workflows section has been optimized to improve loading speeds when there is a large amount of data in the list.
- When opening an individual Workflow for edit the top left of the page will display the Form Name and the Workflow Name providing the user with a better indicator of what they are working on.
Resolved Issues
Account Information
- Previously editing Account Information on the Account tab of the Admin section of the application the changes were not saved. This has been corrected.
- Previously when deleting an Asset record with a set Sort Order the Sort Order values were not updated. This has been changed to automatically update when an Asset record is deleted.
- Previously when exporting an Asset to Excel the Sort Order column was included in this export giving users the false sense that they would insert values here and reupload this spreadsheet as a way to update these values. The column has been removed from the Excel export as the Asset Import does not currently function as a way to update assets.
Asset Create/Edit
- Previously when completing a form with the answer types of Asset Create or Edit if the details contained a boolean column type these fields would be skipped when tabbing between fields. This issue has been corrected and these fields will now be included in the tab orders.
- Previously when creating a new Channel and then closing out of the Add Channel popup instead of clicking the "Add" button the selected values remained in the popup when choosing to add a Channel again. This has now been correct and previously selected values are cleared each time the "Add Channel" button is clicked.
- Previously when using the Asset Type and Asset selection fields in the Global section of Channels the selections were not reset when navigating between saved channels and back to the global section. This has been corrected by resetting the selections when navigating to Global from a previously saved channel.
- Previously when filtering in the History section of a Channel the filter would randomly no longer be applied. This has been corrected to keep the filter applied until the filter is either cleared or the user navigates away from the Channels section of the application.
- Previously when in Channels and viewing the forms reference area if a new submission is created using the "Create New" button the corresponding Submissions and Last Submission Date fields did not update until the page was refreshed. This has been corrected so that the data is refreshed in real time as the form is submitted.
- Previously when in Channels and viewing the history area if a new submission is created using the "Create New" button the submission reference was not added until the page was refreshed. This has been corrected so that the data is refreshed in real time as the form is submitted.
- Previously when the browser was refreshed while viewing a Channel the Channel did not remain highlighted to indicate what Channel the user is viewing. This has been corrected to keep selected Channels highlighted on browser refresh.
- Previously when within the Crowds grid users were able to expand columns to a point where other columns were no longer visible. This has been prevented by setting a minimum width on all columns.
- Previously users did not have the ability to individually delete drafts on a mobile device, the only option was to delete all drafts. A button that looks like a trash can has been added providing the ability to delete individual drafts on a mobile device.
Form Designer
- Previously in Form Designer when adding more than 100 characters to the Title answer type's Title property an error preventing the save of the form would occur. A limit has now been set of 100 characters on this property.
- Previously within Form Designer the title of the first detail field in the Asset Create answer type would appear to the far right side of the section causing confusion on where this title will actually appear on the form. This has been corrected and all detail titles now appear to the top left of the detail field.
- Previously when using a Default Filter property on an Asset Select and filtering by a boolean column type all items were filtered out of the list regardless of the value the user was filtering to. This has been corrected and the user is now able to filter to either true or false values.
- Previously in Form Designer when setting the Category and Edit Post Submit Options the popup did not collapse until the main button was clicked again. This has been updated so that clicking outside of this settings popup will automatically collapse the popup.
- Previously when setting the permissions via the "Setup Security" feature on an Answer Type the Organizations did not appear in any particular order and the list was inconsistent between Answer Types. This has been corrected and the Organizations are now shown in hierarchy order.
- When the functionality to set the visible state of a Form section was added within Form Designer the default values of the sections were not set to visible giving the appearance from Form Designer that the section should be hidden. However, when viewing a Form outside of the designer the section was actually visible. Therefore when needing to actually hide a section the user had to toggle the indicator multiple times to actually hide the section. This has been updated with default values allowing users to accurately see the true state of the section's visibility and no longer requiring the user to toggle the setting multiple times to actually hide the section.
Form Hub
- Previously if searching within Form Hub when data was refreshed the filtered data would be reset. This has been corrected and filters will remain applied to data as it refreshes.
- Previously when using an Apple mobile device the footer section of the Form Hub tabs did not stay at the bottom of the screen, they would appear right under the data in the grids. This has been corrected and all footers stay at the bottom of the screen.
- Previously on all Form Hub tabs when changing the number of records to view per page from a larger number back to 25 the user was always navigated to the last page. This has been changed to always navigate the user back to the first page of data.
- Previously when selecting a filter on the All Items tab of Inbox then navigating away from the Inbox and then back the filter would remain selected, however, the inbox items would no longer be filtered appropriately. This has been resolved by clearing the filter selection when navigating away from the Inbox.
- Previously when selecting a Form from the bottom of the list on the Dashboard version of Inbox the selected Form in the list was not brought into view when automatically navigated to the full version of Inbox to view the form submission. This has been corrected by automatically scrolling the list the selected Form.
- Previously when saving or submitting a Task generated from a custom service from a mobile device the task did not immediately disappear from the Inbox, potentially allowing the user to save or submit the task again and causing the Form's cluster data to break and prevent further use of the Form. This has been corrected by clearing completed tasks in real time.
- Previously when a user only had one insight an error would occur preventing the use of the insights page when this insight was deleted. This has been corrected and users can now delete all insights.
- Previously when applying filters within Insights users had the ability to click the down arrow indicator before the filter indicator was selected, but nothing would appear until the filter indicator was selected causing the appearance that this was not working correctly. The down arrow has now been hidden until the filter indicator has been selected.
- Previously filtering an Insight by Submission ID, Number or TC Summation answer types, and any Date fields by the "not equal to" option would cause an error to occur preventing the use of the Insight. This has been corrected and the "not equal to" option can be used in all filters where available.
- Previously when a Form contained multiple sections the user was unable to expand and view all filter options within an Insight without zooming out within their browser settings. This has been corrected by setting minimum heights within the filter selection area and adding scroll bars as necessary.
- Previously when viewing an Insight for a Form containing a System Master Detail Cluster the labels for the cluster's tabs were missing. This has been corrected and the sections of the Insight's filters will be labeled to match the cluster's tab labels.
- Previously when viewing an Insight on a Form containing a User Multiselect answer type users were unable to filter to specific values within the filter area, there was no option to select values after toggling the filter to on. This has been corrected and the user is now presented with a multi-select box just like the when filtering using a filter on an Asset Select answer type.
- Previously when opening a shared Insight within Inbox there was no way to scroll though the entire Insight. A scroll bar has been added to all Insights within Inbox.
- Previously when attempting to filter an Insight by either the "Last Updated By User" or "Created By User" and filtering to the selected type of "Crowd" an error occurred preventing the Insight from displaying data within the grid. This issue has been corrected.
- Previously users had the ability to share an insight to themselves either directly or to their own organization, resulting in them receiving an inbox item and email for their own insight. Users will no longer receive items for insights shared to themselves.
Image Uploader
- Previously when dragging and dropping an image into a form with the answer type of Image Uploader if the user did not drop the image in the correct place the image would then be opened in the browser causing the user to potentially lose the data already entered into the form. This has been corrected by opening the image in a new browser tab instead of the current one, preventing the potential loss of data.
- Previously when creating a Portal if the "Name" field did not have a value an error would occur preventing the same of the Portal. This has been updated to show a toast notification with the message "Please fill out Name before saving!", informing the user that a name is required in order to save.
- Previously when editing a Portal's welcome description field entering too many characters would occur, preventing the same of the Portal. A limit has now been set of 400 characters in this field.
- Previously when using an Apple device with a Portal user account the footer section of the Form Hub tabs, Inbox, and Insights did not stay at the bottom of the screen, they would appear right under the data in the grids. This has been corrected and all footers stay at the bottom of the screen.
- Previously when in a Portal on a mobile device and closing a Draft or opening a Draft from the Saved tab in Form Hub a user would be routed to the Home section of the application. These issues have been corrected.
- Previously when deleting a Portal Organization Node the Organization was still an option when creating a Portal, this now refreshes and removes deleted Organizations in real-time.
System Master Detail Cluster
- Previously when viewing a Form on a mobile device containing a System Master Detail Cluster the user could only access the cluster tabs that were viewable in either the horizontal or vertical view of the device. This caused portions of the form to be unusable in some cases. This has been corrected by adding a scroll bar below the cluster tab headers.
- Previously when using the System Master Detail Cluster's Repeating Assets or 7-Day features and attempting to display these values in an Insight the headers and values were listed as "columnHeaderAssetsIdx", "columnValeAssetsIdx", "columnHeaderDatex", and "columnValueDatex". This was very confusing and difficult for the user. This was corrected by now displaying the reference name given from form designer along with the column number, for example 'reference 1' and 'reference Value 1'.
- Previously when removing a tab from the System Master Detail Cluster in Form Designer the tab would remain available in the filter section of Insights. This has been corrected and the tab is now removed from Insights when removed from the Form.
System Generated PDFs
- Previously when a Form was completed containing a Signature Answer Type the email notification with the System Generated PDF sent to users was missing the signature value for the coordinating Answer Type. This has been corrected and signature values are now included in System Generated PDFs.
- Previously when a PDF was generated containing an Embedded PDF the System Generated PDF was missing the copy of the Embedded PDF. This has been corrected and System Generated PDFs generated from within the form now produce a zip file containing both the base system PDF and the secure embedded PDF.
- Previously when creating a new template and pasting into the "Template Name" field using a mouse it was required to also type into the field. Users can now paste into the field with no issues.
- Previously when updating the Theme the changes were not reflected immediately on save. This has been updated to reflect the changes to the Theme in real time.
- The ability to search the "Crowd Name" column on the Crowds tab of the User Access page of the application. As a part of this, the ability to search the "User" column has been removed as this is not necessary here.
- Previously when adding new users the license counts were not updated until this page was refreshed. This data now updates in real time to provide an accurate representation of license counts.
- Previously when using your browser's autofill component to complete your user profile the first number of a user's phone number would not be included in the "Work Phone" field. This has been corrected and the field is not properly completed.
- Previously when large amounts of data were entered into the Name, Title, or Email fields in a User's Profile the data was not displayed nicely in the top right of the application. This has been changed to show all values that can be displayed within a restricted portion of the user interface. If more data is present but cannot be displayed an ellipsis will be displayed at the end of the data that does fit into the visible space.
- Previously in the User Profile section when too many characters to the Name, Address 1, Address 2, or City fields an error preventing the save of the Profile would occur. Limits have now been set as follows for these fields: Name - 50 characters, Address 1 and Address 2 - 200 characters, and City - 40 characters.
- Previously when updating a user's profile the information showing in the top right of the application was not refreshed until the browser was refreshed. This is now updated in real time.
- Previously when searching within Workflows if a workflow is deleted the data would reset causing the filter to no longer be applied and all data to reappear, the user then had to reapply the filter. This has been correct by reapplying the filter as the data is refreshed.
- When the double arrows have been used to expand all Workflows and the users chooses to create a new Workflow upon completion of the new Workflow the list of Workflows is reset and all workflows are collapsed. Previously the double arrows would remain in the down state causing the user to need to click this button multiple times in order to again expand all Workflows again. This has been corrected by resetting the state of the arrows on save of the new workflows.
- Previously when editing the "Default" setting on a workflow the Workflow grid was not immediately refreshed to indicate the default had changed, this gave the appearance that there were multiple default workflows which was confusing. This has been corrected and the values are updated in real time.
- Previously when assigning an Entity to an Approval Node in the Workflow Designer and searching an Entity list the search was not cleared after clicking the "Add Entity" button. This has now been corrected and the search field is cleared between the adding of entities.