New and Noteworthy
Asset Cascade | Required question
Previously, there were issues with requiring Asset cascade answer types. With this fix the user can choose which cascade fields are required. First, users must use the Setup Security button to require the answer type. Then, the user can choose which cascade fields to require using the yes/no toggle under the asset on the properties panel. If the user does not configure the individual fields, the first field will be set to required by default.
User Answer Type | Display Properties
Previously all user answer types only displayed email addresses. Now the user can choose the display field from one of the following drop-down displays in form designer: Email, Name, Organization, Organization Type, and/or Crowds.
- It is best practice to display at least the Name and/or Email of the user.
- If setting Crowds as a display field, it is best practice to add a default filter to narrow the Crowd. Otherwise, the list on the form submission will have all crowd users.
- If using User Multiselect as Keywords, there is a limit of 400 characters that will display. the keywords.
Bug Fixes and Enhancements
Login Screen
With this fix, a user using LastPass can log into Omnidek with less button clicks.
Inbox | Actions
Previously, while approving from Inbox, the users would have to expand the Actions bar when navigating to the next form in the Inbox. With this fix, the Actions bar will remain expanded after a form is approved from the Inbox.
Inbox | Clusters
While viewing a submission in Inbox, a scroll bar now displays on the first tab in Inbox.
Inbox | To Do Tab
With this correction, a reset submission in Inbox will behave as expected when deleted.
Admin | Crowds
With this fix the Created Date and Last Updated Date columns have been removed.
Admin | Data Security
Previously the scrollbar would not reset to the top when switching pages in the Data Security section. Now, the scroll bar resets to the top when changing pages.
Admin | Organizations
Now users will get a proper warning message explaining why a portal user can't be moved to a dashboard user when there are no licenses.
Admin | Portals
Previously, the dropdown selection for Portal Organizations for the Portal page would display previously removed portal and the newly selected portal after a save. With this fix, only the newly selected portal displays after a save.
From Designer| Tab Container Feature
Users can now see thumbnail version of images in the Grid view of a Tab Container. This is currently limited only to the Image Uploader answer type.
Form Designer | Media Answer Type
Updates to the media answer type now allow for upload of YouTube videos to a form.
Form Designer | Asset Create Answer Type
Previously, users could submit the form even if the question was required. Now, all fields for creating the asset are required. The required star will be next to the question's title.
Form Designer | GPS Answer Type
Now users will have four choices of map view in a dropdown on GPS Answer Type: Satellite, Terrain, Roadmap, Hybrid.
Form Designer | Clusters
Now you can see the full ellipsis on the popout when setting up a cluster. Also, if the last ellipsis goes off the page, use the scroll bar for the tab over to see all of it.
Form Designer | Asset Detail
With this fix your mouse pointer will switch to the pointer hand when you can click on the answer type making it easier to select.
System PDF | General
Various updates the formatting to better reflect form formatting.
System PDF | Cluster Yes/No Answer Type
Previously True/False was displayed on PDF for Yes/No Answer Type. With this fix Yes/No in clusters will come over to PDF as Yes/No.
System PDF | Cluster 7-Day Answer Type
When a user views a PDF and 7-Day autofill is not selected, the dates where there is no data will display blank on the PDF.
System PDF | Embedded PDFs
Previously, when a Form was completed containing an Embedded PDF the System PDF was displaying a blank attachment. System PDFs now produce a zip file containing both Form PDF and the secure embedded PDF attachments.
Form Submission | PDF View
Various enhancements to System PDF formatting and congruency with form formatting.
Form Submission | Unpublished forms
Now when a user opens an unpublished form, they will get a modal notification stating : . A notification/prompt that appears after opening the form that warns the user that this data will be cleared once the form is published.
Form Submission | Embedded PDF
When signing an Embedded PDF, the electronic signature agreement modal now formats correctly on the screen.
Form Submission | Tab Container | Assets
Previously, Assets in a Tab Container while in Grid View would display the system asset ID. Now, the user can see the selected asset as it appears on the form.
Form Submission | File Uploader | Tab Container
There is now a view button in the Grid View of the Tab Container that displays file name and allows for preview.
Form Submission | Signature Answer Type
Previously, if a Signature answer type was set to ‘read only’ for a user or organization, the ‘Clear Signature’ button could be selected. With this correction the button will be grayed out if the answer is set to ‘read only’.
Form Submission | Asset Multiselect
Previously, users could submit the form even if the question was required. Now, all fields are required.
Form Submission | Date Picker | Date & Time Type
With this fix the seconds will be ignored in calculations so it does not round up and affect the calculations.
GPS Answer Type| System PDF
The address field from the GPS will now show on the PDF.
Workflow | Designer
A Toast will appear after the limit of data is reached for nodes set on a workflow.
Previously if a user did not have an existing workflow, they could not create a new workflow. Now, workflows can be created
Previously, unused fields from a form would display as blank fields in the condition node dropdown. This has been corrected.
Now, Client, Unassigned, and Styles tab are hidden in Settings.
Mobile View
Various UI enhancements and fixes.