New and Noteworthy
- Optimized functionality for various UI actions
- Question Value Uniqueness to check for duplicate entries
- Updated formatting to System PDF to better pick up form formatting
- Better grouping for dates in Insights
- Can now create Insights from Mobile Device
- Better manage Omnidek User List with filtering and exporting functionality
- Insights Tabs renamed to Summary and Details
- UI and Functionality Enhancements to the Channels page
Bug Fixes and Enhancements
Various UI and Functionality Enhancements
Enhancements have been made to the ‘select all’ checkbox in various places throughout the system. Previously, the ‘select all’ checkbox did not remain checked when all the boxes below were checked. Now, the box will remain checked to indicate if all are checked.
Now, the pop out boxes for Help, My Network, and My Profile will collapse if a user clicks anywhere outside of the box.
The collapse all and expand all arrows throughout the system behave better with the sub categories.
Search Bars in Workflow, Form Hub and My Forms now search for category names as well as the names of the forms and workflows.
User Types have been updated across the site to “Free” and “Licensed”
Admin | Assets | Datetime Column
Now, the Date and Time will reflect the local time zone rather than UTC as it did previously.
Admin | Assets | Asset Grid
Now, the asset list grid will default to Page One when navigating back into Admin or switching between assets.
Admin | Assets | Upload with Sort Order
Users can now add a Sort Order when uploading to the Asset List when the first column is named “SystemSortOrder”.
Admin | Assets | Global Search
Users can now search for Asset Names and Asset Categories. The Global list will filter down to the matching criteria as data is entered.
Admin | Users | Pending Invites
Now, newly created organizations will show up in the list for newly invited users.
Admin | Users | New Grid
Now, Administrators can manage users in a new grid. Now the columns under have filters like Assets with the same group, search and filter capabilities. Administrators can better filter their User List and Export to Excel. The grid will export with the formatting as set on the screen.
Admin | Portals | Select Portal Organization
Now, users will be notified when an organization has already been assigned to another portal page.
Channels | Creating a Channel on an Asset created through an Asset Create
Now, users can successfully open a form under history section for channels built on Asset Create populated Assets.
Channels | UI Layout
Now with this update, the + Add Channel has been removed and the Global button has been updated. The Clear Search button will clear any selected Asset Type and/or Asset and bring up the main Channel page.
Channels | Chronological Column
The Chronology will no longer show when the Data Sync occurs.
Emails | comment notifications cut off
Corrected an error where comments were being cut off in the chat email notification.
Form Designer | System Master Detail Cluster | Title
Now, anytime a user sets up a cluster in a form there is a section in the top left named Title. Whatever you put there will now show up on the form. In the cluster section of the form it will be in the top left of the cluster.
Form Designer | Asset Create | Required Fields
Now, users can require certain fields in their Asset Edit and Create. The Setup Security button in the Answer Type’s Properties allows users to check which box/s to be required. After saving changes, the user can toggle which details to require.
Form Designer | Clusters | Tabs Sequence
Now, if an administrator is building a cluster with multiple tabs and deletes one, the sequence will update accordingly.
Form Designer | Clusters | Tab | 7 - Day/Repeating Asset
Now if a user updates a cluster with either a repeating and/or 7-Day in the tab. The check box/s will correctly remain checked.
Form Designer | Cluster | Asset Details in Alphabetical Order
In Form Designer, the Asset columns are displayed in Alphabetical order in the dropdown list for easier selection.
Form Designer | New 5 Minute timer
Now, every five minutes that Form Designer is open, a user will receive a toast notification reminding to save any work done in the Designer.
Form Designer | Yes/No Answer Type
Users are now able to clear a default value by selecting the ‘x’ once one has been selected.
Form Submission | Form Chat
Corrected a bug where some comments were not displayed immediately after they were made during the approve/reject process.
Form Submission | Image and File Uploader
Previously there were issues when a file was uploaded, then deleted. The file error when attempting to re-upload the file.
Form Submission | Invite User Modal | Invite User Button
Corrected an issue where user was able to select the invite button multiple times. Now, the button will no longer be able to be selected more than once.
Form Submission | User Multi Select required
Previously, requiring a User-Multi select would still allow for submission. Now, it correctly requires that the answer is filled out before submission.
Form Submission | Asset Create | Required field
Previously if a user entered text on an Asset Create text field then deleted it it would still allow for submission. Now if the data is cleared, new data must be entered to submit.
Form Submission | Form Save Error
Now, when a user’s local storage limit is met, they will get a toast notifying that older drafts will be deleted to make room.
Form Submission | GPS Answer Type
Corrected issue on forms with GPS answer type and Signature answer type where both modals were active at the same time.
Form Hub | Drafts | Last Saved
Now new drafts will be at the top of the list now that Last Save column goes in descending order.
Inbox | To Do | Killed forms
Corrected a bug where ‘Killed’ forms were they would remain in In Box. Now, it will clear from To Do once killed.
Inbox | Tasks | Submission behavior
If a user has multiple task in the Inbox and submits the first form, it will correctly go to the next item in the list.
Inbox | To Do | Approve with comment
Fixed a bug where previous comments from previous approvals were carrying over to the next approval chat box.
Insights | Tabs renamed
Tabs previously named Condensed and Full View have been renamed to Summary and Details.
Insights | Create New on Mobile
Now, the ‘Create New’ button is visible on mobile devices allowing users to create new insights in the field.
Insights | Full View | Grouping of Columns | Grouping by dates on tabs issue
Now, any Date column including Datetime answer types will group only by Date to allow for better grouping.
Question Value Uniqueness | Checking for duplicate entries
Now, there is a toggle on the Properties pane of various answer types: Number, DateTime, Text Box, and/or Asset Select Answer Types in Form Designer. If the toggle is set to ‘Yes’, for one or all of the answer types listed above, users will receive a Toast warning and text warning next to the answer type name if the same data was entered on another saved or submitted form.
System PDF | Formatting
Now, the system PDF will print darker on all future forms created and pick up all formatting and color set in the properties pane in Form Designer.
System PDF | Cluster
Previously, questions in the footer section of a cluster wouldn’t correctly update on the PDF. Now, the questions in the footer section will display correctly on the PDF.
Workflow | Forms with same workflow name
Now, if multiple forms have the same named workflow, it will display correctly in the workflow Designer header.
Workflow | Workflow Designer UI
Now, workflow design lines will stay aligned when screen dimensions are adjusted.
Workflow | Workflow Designer | Default focus
Now, when a new node is added, the focus shifts to the new node allowing the user to see the properties of the new node.
Workflow | Workflow Designer | Popup
Now, when a user closes the Designer, they will receive a modal notification prompting for a save.