Workflows now have new configurations on the start node that allow for certain conditions to be read when a submission is started in Omnidek. This configuration works with the existing start entities to allow for more specified routing within the system. The new configurations are below the start entities on the start node properties panel.
The workflow engine will evaluate in the following order:
Set the priority for this Start condition- numerical value assigned to each workflow to set a priority for the submission. Smaller values have a higher priority.
A workflow must have a start entity or start condition if there is a priority set.
Best Practice: set priority levels with room for changes. Set highest priority starting with 10, next 20, and so on. If a future workflow needs to be highest priority it can be set to 9 without disrupting the sequence of other workflows.
Start Conditions:
Start conditions work the same as normal condition nodes in workflow. Users must select a condition type and condition.
Condition Type- Operates the same as setting the condition node in the workflow. This evaluates whether the conditions added must all be met to meet criteria(AND) or one of the listed conditions (OR).
Conditions- compromised of system data and form data by which to route. Each condition has its own set of operators just as in other condition nodes. Once condition and operator are set, select the Add Condition button.