New and Noteworthy
Edit Insight Name
Insight name can be edited using the new edit icon to the right of the Insight bar
Withdraw a Form
Renamed the Kill action to Withdraw. The submission will be removed from the workflow and display in the 'All Items' tab in Inbox with an indicator.
To learn more: Withdrawn Forms
Submissions In Progress Screen
Now, users can see a list of submissions in a Workflow using the submission count link. There are two different views--one for coordinators and another basic view for any user with workflow permissions. To learn more: Submissions In Progress Screen
Default Workflow Enhancements
Default workflows have new constraints and rules to help users better manage submissions.
To learn more: Workflow Basics
707 | Now, any limitations entered into a search bar will be selected using the 'Select All' check box. It will select only the records that are a result of the search criteria.
9635 | Newly built workflows will not display the Form name as well as the Workflow name in the header of the workflow designer
9571 | In Insight filters, when a user hovers over Reference Name it will display the Question Caption assigned in Form Designer.
9659 | Corrected behavior with unique values in tab container when the alert modal is open
9610 | This enhancement allows users to have the ability to use an Asset Multiselect question in a Condition node in workflows
9633 | All new workflows will now require a Coordinator(s) to be added. When a user builds a new workflow and a Coordinator is not added before saving, a warning modal will appear after clicking the Save button. It will alert the user that they have not added a Coordinator and must do so before continuing with a save. All current workflows that do not have a Coordinator will remain without one until a user opens the workflow and selects a Coordinator(s).
9639 | When a new form is Saved or Published a workflow is created by default. The workflow is called Default Workflow and has a Start Node and End Node.
9646 | The dropdown list in Portals now displays the organization in its lineage for clarity when assigning an organization to a portal page
9661 | The final organization in lineage is bolded for clarity when selecting form dropdown in Invite User modal and Edit User modal in Organizations
9674 | Assigning forms to a Category will now be required when Publishing the form. When a user builds a new form in Form Designer and clicks the Publish button, the system will check if the form has been assigned a Category. If the form has no Category, a warning modal will appear alerting the user that a Category must be assigned before publishing. Any currently published forms that are not assigned a Category will remain Uncategorized until a user assigns the appropriate Category.
9679 | A workflow set to default will have the delete button disabled. To delete a workflow, set another workflow as default, then the delete button will be available.
Bug Fixes
1824 | Corrected issue where the Number answer type with percent formatting was reverting to decimals on submission save.
9589 | Corrected issues with numbers answer type on clusters with format of $#,##0.00
9636 | When a user updates an existing workflow that contains a priority number, the priority number no longer disappears after saving the update.
9637 | A warning modal now alerts the user when Approval nodes, Hierarchy nodes and Condition nodes are empty and do not contain at least one entity in the node(s).
9656 | Corrected an issue where filter builder was breaking the format of columns in the Insight.
9684 | Corrected an issue where formatting was cleared on a number field after saving or submitting a form
9659 | Corrected behavior with unique values in tab container when the alert modal is open